EASY BASE V10 IS NOW INSTALLED 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Applications written in previous versions of Easy Base can be copied directly to a sub directory of Easy Base V10. However, the .PPR files created by V9 are not compatible with V10 and must be erased before the application is used. You can erase all .PPR files by selecting and exiting from Relationships in the application directory. The System values Current Record, Total Records and Total Copies no longer exist. If any of your procedures reference these values they must be changed. The values are now available as pseudo fields Form.Record Number, Form.Total Records and Form.Total Copies. A forms sequence number is now available as Form.sequence and there are new commands: Reset Sequence, Beep, Pack and Recall input Screen. The following features have been added or changed and may be incorrectly described in the printed documentation. 1. Batch Starting. To start Easy Base in directory Accounts as terminal one with the password "Fred" you can either: SET EBT=1 SET EBD=ACCOUNTS SET EBP=FRED As environment variables in your autoexec.bat file or start Easy Base with the command line: EB T=1 D=ACCOUNTS P=FRED The terminal number parameter is only applicable to multi user versions. 2. Data Import can now be made available on user menus. 3. New Data Browse menu item allows browse and search facilities in the data entry screen with no option to add, delete or modify records. 4. Install Printer, Set Paper, Screen colours and options have been combined under a single "Configuration" item. 5. New printer command "Landscape" adds landscape printing for HP printers. Press Esc to continue.